Common Problems With a DBS Application


We know that completing a DBS check can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have not completed one before, but fear not, we are here to tell you about some of the most common problems that can delay a DBS check or even mean that it could be withdrawn from the process if it is not filled out correctly. This almost certainly results in a new check having to be submitted, and another fee incurred. Names, Names and More Names! First, and probably the most common problem that Total Screening comes across is quite simply, a name! As part of the DBS application process, you are requested to declare all the names you have ever been known ...

Common Problems With a DBS Application2024-07-01T11:01:43+00:00

A DBS Journey


Have you ever wondered what happens when you submit a DBS check? Well look no further! Let’s break down what happens to a check once it’s submitted to DBS. DBS will receive your application within a few hours of its submission from Total Screening. This quick uploading process means that your application will begin its searching process straight away. There are 5 stages that a check will go through and ultimately complete. Upon completion, the applicant is sent an official certificate through the post, direct from DBS. The application is received and validated by DBS. All levels of DBS check are checked against the PNC (Police National Computer) for any cautions, convictions, reprimands and warnings. For Enhanced checks, the ...

A DBS Journey2024-07-01T10:59:02+00:00

DBS Referral


Did you know, if you are a regulated activity provider, you have a legal duty to refer an individual to DBS? Let’s look closer at the process and reasons a barring referral must be made. Firstly, what is a DBS barring referral? A referral is the process of informing and sending information to DBS which indicates that an individual has harmed or poses risk of harm to vulnerable adults or children. The referral duty does not apply to family or personal arrangements, members of the public or parents. If there is a safeguarding issue in these situations, contacting the police, social services or an employer is advised. Who can make a barring referral? The following can make a referral ...

DBS Referral2024-07-01T11:00:38+00:00

A History of DBS


We have been processing DBS checks for 20 years! You may be familiar with what it takes to process a DBS check, and how Total Screening can help, but do you know about the history of criminal record checks? Let’s find out more about this unique government department. DBS or Disclosure and Barring Service was formerly known as CRB or Criminal Records Bureau. DBS checks in the UK have evolved over several decades to safeguard vulnerable groups within society. Here's a brief history: Pre-1974: Local police forces in the UK handled criminal record checks independently, but this sometimes led to inconsistencies and varying standards across the process. 1974: The Police Act established the Police National Computer (PNC), which centralised ...

A History of DBS2024-07-01T10:57:00+00:00
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